Čin bičevanja je svojevrstan reenactment legende o perzijskom caru i vojskovođi Keserksu koji poziva graditelje mostova iz svih dijelova carstva da premoste Helespont kako bi nastavio invaziju na Grčku. U trenutku kad su premostili Helespont, velika oluja je srušila mostove. Kserks je bio toliko ljut, jer se je smatrao svemoćnim, te naređuje suludo bičevanje mora sa 300 udaraca bičem. Da bi mu vojska prešla Helespont on umjesto pravih mostova koristi pontonske mostove od brodova - poredao je toliko brodova koliko je bilo potrebno da premosti Helespont.
The act of whipping is a reenactment of the legend of the Persian emperor and warlord Xerxes who called up bridge builder from all parts of the empire to bridge the Hellespont, so he could continue his invasion of Greece. At the time when they crossed Hellespont, a big storm knocked out the bridges. Xerxes was so angry, because he considered himself as all-powerful, and he ordered the whipping of the sea with 300 whips. To enable his army to cross Hellespont he used pontoon bridges made of ships instead of a real bridge - he lined up as many as needed ships to bridge the Hellespont.