11. kol 2014.

Lovely Days

Curated by Branko Franceschi

Although the choice of video works by five artists who live in different
environments and/or belong to various generations, includes a wide
span of themes and artistic poetics, it is consolidated by a background
narrative that, through individual relationships towards nature, historic
events and gender, illustrates to the public how the today society modifies
traditional masculine values of strength, endurance and stamina
into political constructs of honour, leadership and visionariness. The
performances of the protagonists - generally the artists themselves
– range from pathos and dignity to playfulness and political incorrectness,
thus defining manifold and dynamic social scenery in which the
contemporary man is shaped.

Adel Abidin, Ping Pong, 2009, 3’44’’
Petar Bunić, Proglas o neuspjehu / Declaration of Failure, 2013, 8’30’’
Mladen Miljanović, Do you intend to lie to me?, 2011,14’
Zlatko Kopljar, K16, 2012,10’42’’
Neno Belchev, Positive Message/Lord of the Rainbow, 2012, 53’’,
Negative Message/Middle Finger, 2012,1’15’’,
The Rainbow is Nobody’s Property, 2012,1’.
Branko Franceschi is art historian, curator and director of the Museum
of Fine Arts in Split, Croatia.

Iako zahvaća širok raspon tema i umjetničkih poetika, izbor video radova
petorice umjetnika koji žive u različitim okruženjima i/ili pripadaju
različitim generacijama, objedinjen je pozadinskim narativom koji gledateljima
kroz odnos pojedinca prema prirodi, povijesnim događajima
i rodu, oslikava kako današnje društvo tradicionalno muževne vrline
snage, izdržljivosti i upornosti modificira u političke konstrukte časti, liderstva
i vizionarstva. Performansi protagonista - najčešće samih autora
- u rasponu od patosa i dostojanstva do zaigranosti i političke nekorektnosti,
oblikuju razveden i dinamičan društveni krajobraz u kojem se
formira suvremeni muškarac.
Branko Franceschi je povjesničar umjetnosti, kustos i ravnatelj Galerije
umjetnina u Splitu.